Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Robes de cocktail innovant Styles

L'hiver est l'époque de l'année où les nouveaux styles règle de la mode se percher et chaque fille veut regarder rien de moins que glamour. C'est un temps idéal pour étalage de nouveaux modèles et des expériences avec des designs élégants. Textures et les tissus luxueux fascinants sont quelque chose qui est sûre pour compléter votre style personnel de cet hiver.

robe cocktail sont une option fantastique pour l'hiver. Le style cocktail est parfaitement apte pour tout type d'occasions; dès l'hiver shindigs Grand soirées d'hiver occasionnels. Robes de cocktail ont une aura distincte qui est sûr de vous faire le point de mire de tous les yeux.

Styles élégants: robes de cocktail élégantes sont les femmes qui ont un penchant pour les styles. robe soirée élégant sont celles qui sont esthétiquement adapté et se composent de beaucoup de travail de paillettes et de perles. Décolletés Sweetheart, hors de l'épaule styles avec bretelles sont synonymes de créations suprêmement élégant. Vous pouvez l'équipe de votre robe de cocktail élégant avec une veste de fourrure fabuleux. Vestes en fourrure ont leur propre charme et lorsqu'il est combiné avec une robe d'hiver jolie, il est sûr de vous faire ressembler à une diva.

Styles de jeunesse: Ceci est pour la femme qui préfère enfiler une jeune et une création vivante. Robes de cocktail avec un ébouriffées ou un ourlet asymétrique est quelque chose que vous pouvez opter pour un hiver se réunir. Si vous voulez vraiment un coup de jeune; une robe de cocktail avec un blouson en cuir va vraiment vous faire le point de mire de tous les yeux. Vous pouvez toujours essayer une robe bustier longueur genou cocktail avec des volants sur l'ourlet. Ce style est sûr de vous démarquer de la foule.

Grand-styles: Full robes de cocktail jupe regarde étonnamment chic après le port. Ces atours look très chic et sont aptes pour une occasion très glamour. Le classiness qu'ils donnent ne peut être égalé par aucun autre équipe. Tissus de satin et mousseline sont aptes pour les grandes occasions. Vous pouvez toujours ajouter une teinte de l'individualisme dans votre tenue par l'accessoirisation la manière que vous voulez et correspondant à la meilleure des chaussures possible. Vous pouvez expérimenter avec des décolletés profonds et v waistlines empire. Il y a beaucoup de robes de cocktail disponibles dans ces schémas. Vous pouvez opter pour une robe de grésillement v rouge profond décolleté cocktail, il est sûr de vous faire regarder suprêmement glamour. Couleurs non conventionnelles comme le vert clair et magenta sont également bonne option pour les Robe de soirée 2012.

L'hiver est le moment idéal de faire étalage de nouveaux styles, expérimenter avec la création unique et styles de Don cocktails innovants. Vous pouvez toujours opter pour quelque chose qui convient à votre type de corps. Profitez de divers styles et créations, et vous serez prêt à se pavanent dans le style.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Comment choisir des robes de cocktail à prix abordable et qui est le meilleur moment?

robes cocktail sont dans des styles différents. Ils sont les vêtements les plus importants dans le monde social des femmes. La plupart d'entre vous les femmes ne manquent jamais d'avoir au moins un dans vos placards. Vous pouvez obtenir une chance d'aller à plusieurs reprises comme le bal. Cela fait que vous rencontrez certaines de ces robes de cocktail. Certains de ces occasions peuvent être formels ou même des parties occasionnelles. Cependant, vous pouvez trouver les robes dans des styles et des formes différentes dans n'importe quel magasin de vêtements. Ces robes peuvent être soit cher ou abordable selon votre goût. Certaines de ces robes sont généralement uniques.

Robes de cocktail à prix abordable peut être disponible pour votre intérêt et en ligne sur le marché. La plupart des recherches en ligne pour des robes de vous faire économiser beaucoup de temps et d'argent. Shopping en ligne est plus pratique que de consacrer votre temps à aller au centre commercial. C'est parce qu'il vous donne une chance d'éviter d'entrer dans de grandes foules et de tomber dans la ligne. Vous pouvez obtenir des robes de cocktail de différentes conceptions et des occasions de tout les sites communs. Différentes personnalités ont également différentes façons de convenant dans une certaine robe. En outre, les robes de cocktail font la plupart de vous, les femmes se démarquent dans une foule. Soit cela peut être dans un concert ou même un club et vous pouvez voir combien les yeux peuvent être sur votre cas.

D'autre part, vous pouvez obtenir le meilleur des robes de cocktail à prix abordable plus rapidement. Tout ce que vous avez besoin est de consacrer un peu de votre temps. Le meilleur moment pour vous de magasiner pour ces belles Robe de soirée 2012 sont pendant les étés. C'est le moment où la fin de la période de bal et toutes les robes de bal sont en vente. Par conséquent, cela vous donne une chance de trouver une robe qui est dans votre budget et toujours à la mode. Vous ne pouvez pas trouver le temps de faire du shopping dans les grands magasins différents. Il est préférable pour vous de le faire en ligne. Cela réduit le temps que vous pourriez avoir passé la recherche de la robe.

Néanmoins, vous pouvez trouver toutes les robes élégantes en ligne sans aucune agitation. Ces robes de cocktail à prix abordable viennent dans une grande variété. Cela vous donne une solution de trouver la meilleure robe. Robes de cocktail noires sont largement portés par le mât de vous les femmes. C'est parce que les robe de soirée vous faire paraître plus chic et vintage. Ils ont également vous faire avoir l'air sexy différents styles comme le bustier, l'épaule large et d'autres styles. Vous pouvez trouver des robes de cocktail le plus disponible à un prix plus raisonnable.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Découvrez des idées sur comment utiliser une robe de cocktail noire

Une robe de cocktail noire ne manque jamais d'offrir son but. Selon une déclaration de mode, la rRobe de soirée 2012 peut avoir une longueur variée. Il pourrait être au-dessus ou en dessous du genou. Il pourrait également tomber juste sur le genou. Certaines robes de cocktail classique peut avoir une longueur de thé ou de la longueur ballerine. De toute façon, il est sûr de capter l'attention de la foule.

La longueur du thé, c'est ce qui est de 5 cm au-dessus de la cheville. Elle est appelée la cheville ballerine si la longueur de touche presque la cheville. La robe de la longueur de ballerine est aussi appelé et classés comme une robes de soirée.

Robes de cocktail sont parfaits pour les cérémonies de mariage, repas formel ou dîner, soirées à thème et même spectacles d'opéra et d'autres semi-formelles reprises. Ces robes ou robes ont un style et des couleurs différentes pour s'adapter au goût de la mode du porteur.

Rouge, violet et noir sont parmi les couleurs qui sont séduisantes. Ainsi, ils sont les favoris chez les femmes. Il y a de nombreux tissus utilisés pour adapter une robe de cocktail. Il y a de la soie, le satin et la mousseline qui ont été utilisés dans dès les temps anciens. Dans le passé, les partis ont honoré avec des robes de couleurs comme le crêpe, le brocart, velours, soie et satin extensible.

Robes de cocktail peut être porté même en plein jour. Bien sûr, si vous le faites, vous avez à choisir judicieusement la couleur et la longueur de la robe. Robes de cocktail imprimés peuvent prendre le thé ou la longueur de ballerine et peuvent être portés même dans les partis petit-déjeuner, le déjeuner ou le thé. Vous pouvez aussi les porter en courte longueur selon l'occasion.

L'élément le plus important dans le portrobes soirée, une robe de bal robe de cocktail ou est le confort. Vous devriez être à l'aise de le porter. Deux conseils qui peuvent vous apporter un confort sont les suivants: d'abord, choisir la robe qui n'est pas plus petit que vous et qui ne dispose pas d'un décolleté profond plongé. Deuxièmement, choisir la robe qui s'adapte à votre silhouette, ne pas choisir une robe pour l'amour de la mode, vous devez juste le regretterez pas.

Dans le premier élément, il est important que vous portez la robe avec confiance tout au long de la partie. La conscience de soi de la robe est un gros no-no. C'est pourquoi, il est important de choisir celui qui ne vous rend pas excessivement attentifs et anxieux. Toutefois, si vous avez un buste impressionnant, vêtue d'une robe avec une ligne de clivage profond, comme le V-cou est fantastique.

Dans la deuxième affaire, de nombreuses femmes choisissent une robe de cocktail noire à cause de cela est la tendance ou parce qu'il est le dernier dans l'industrie de la mode. Prenons le chiffre que vous avez. Il y a des styles qui se marient bien avec votre contour du corps, et qui devrait être votre choix. Avoir un sens de l'originalité et suivez votre instinct ce que vous raconte.

La couleur est également très important. Les couleurs sombres sont amincissantes, qui est une autre raison pour laquelle la plupart des femmes qui ne sont pas minces choisir noir, violet et marron foncé. Les couleurs foncées peuvent aussi bien paraître même sur les personnes minces. Là encore, le chiffre est important.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Comment regarder la mode dans une robe de cocktail?

Robes de cocktail sont les plus recherchés après les robes de femmes. Quand ils étaient réservé aux occasions spéciales ou occasions formelles seulement, les femmes Robes de cocktail sont les plus recherchés après les robes de femmes. Quand ils étaient réservé aux occasions spéciales ou occasions formelles seulement, les femmes d'aujourd'hui sont vus étalage de style en eux à chaque occasion, qu'elle soit formelle ou informelle.

Vêtue d'une robe cocktail est désir de chaque femme avec elle, mais aussi qu'elle reste une désir et c'est de regarder la mode. Mais rappelez-vous ce n'est pas que chaque robe de cocktail vous faire regarder élégant Mais il est de style convient à votre type de corps qui vous fait à la mode. Robe style convenant à votre silhouette est le meilleur outil pour regarder la mode. Il devrait compléter semble obtenir beaucoup de compliments bien.

Voici les types de corps et robe de cocktail styles qui vont les améliorer. Ils sont ici:
Bas les femmes lourdes look élégant pour les atteindre doivent se concentrer sur la partie supérieure et cacher sa partie inférieure. Alors que les femmes sont lourdes à ceux qui devraient se concentrer sur le haut. Accentuant la partie inférieure et enlever la partie supérieure attention.

Bas les femmes lourds chercher une robe de cocktail si cela est bien ajustée à la taille, mais pas trop serré. La partie inférieure de l'évasement robe devrait avoir afin de cacher les hanches et les cuisses grosses épaisseur. robe de soirée, robe de cocktail taille empire éclaté, A-ligne de robe de cocktail et ainsi de suite. Que les styles de costume sont parfaitement. Aussi garder à l'esprit la longueur de votre robe pleine de doit être aussi vous n'avez rien à montrer au bas.

Un autre cocktail de styles vestimentaires convient que le fond des femmes fortes sont celles étalage de votre haut du corps. Robe de cocktail bustier, robe de cocktail licol, robe de cocktail de l'épaul. Certains d'entre eux. également à la partie supérieure robes embellie sont de bonnes options. Attention vers la garniture Ces partie supérieure et inférieure détourner de laquelle vous voulez. Avec Respect de porter des couleurs vives couleurs que vous devriez en bas en haut et sombre à. La raison est des couleurs vives et foncées Attention, les couleurs des prises minceur effet que donne ainsi les défauts cacher. Ainsi, ce que les femmes devraient porter des bas lourds pour regarder la mode est clair maintenant.

A l'inverse pour les robes de cocktail femmes les jambes lourdes montrant sont appropriées. Robes de cocktail courtes, les robes au genou, cocktail, courte à volants ourlet robes cocktail, robes de cocktail courte pose, l'ourlet des robes courtes bulle cocktail et ainsi de suite. Appropriées sont des choix

Bien que si vous êtes lourd du haut d'avoir Mais c'est un clivage belle en portant des bas Améliorer coupe en V décolleté plongeant ou une robe de cocktail. Ces robes rendent les femmes look sexy et élégant Même. Aussi robes AYANT embellissements au bas sont assez bonnes. Ces styles de mode prêtent chercher une robe de cocktail en haut des femmes fortes.

Comprenez bien que c'est pour regarder la mode, il n'est pas nécessaire de porter Robe de soirée 2012 dernière tendance, mais celle qui Améliorez votre personnalité. Une robes de cocktail ressemble à la mode si cela convient à votre silhouette bien. Une autre chose aussi importante qui est à la recherche d'accessoires de mode est. Doit femmes portent une robe de cocktail avec des accessoires pour compléter le look. Boucles d'oreilles, bracelets, colliers, colliers et sacs à main sont accessoires indispensables pour donner la touche finale à l'apparence.

Gardez à l'esprit les conseils ci-dessus pour regarder la mode dans une robe de cocktail

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Cocktail Dresses for Semi-Formal and Formal Events

In selecting cocktail dresses, it's far better to pick a style you feel comfy putting on and also to look like fashionable. The first task is to find out your body type. Dresses for semi formal occasions could be a little bit less textured when compared with formal functions. It does not have to be full length but short dresses also will do. Faviana Style: 6216 is a short robe de cocktail courte. It's stretch satin dress with back closure, sweetheart neckline and thick straps. It is made in black, red, teal, and white. Cocktail gowns, dressy pants and overcoats are appropriate. Full length dresses also are wonderful. Allure is vital element of semi formal dresses also. Material choice for semi formal dresses has to be dressy like silk, velvet, cashmere, brocade and so on.

Robe de soirée blanche appear to be the suitable attire to wear at both events semi-formal and casual. The shade of the dress can have a major role depending if the bash is during the afternoon or night. Pick a lighter tone of outfit for the day time party and a darker color for night time. Dressing according to the occasion simply leaves good impact on others. It says about your excellent dressing sense.

Cocktail dresses or cocktail gowns are pretty much similar except robe cocktail display a shorter length while cocktail gowns are usually long length completely down to the ground. Typically, cocktail dresses are utilized during evening functions. These types of dresses are frequently considered to be sophisticated, classic and extravagant in the style that triggers the approval and admiration from others. Nevertheless, the most famous cocktail dresses are silk, satin and chiffon. Tony Bowls Style: TBE21001 is a breathtaking chiffon gemstone encrusted one shoulder strap with ruched waist and a light flowing mermaid style skirt. It comes in yellow, cocoa, turquoise, and black.

Some females imagine having a bigger bust line, but for women who are obviously well-endowed, choosing a cocktail gown to highlight their figure is sometimes difficult. Utilize these tips to play up your assets without drawing unwanted focus on your chest area: 1. Avoid high necklines. It look logical to hide your cleavage to de-emphasize a big bust, but high cut necklines often create an unflattering shelf on your chest using the fabric. A plain and simple neckline is the most flattering for the lady with big bust line. 2. Look at a strapless dress. This specific style draws focus on your shoulders and face far from your chest area. In contrast to flat-chested ladies, voluptuous ladies aren't expected to regularly tug on a loose strapless gown. 3. Avoid necklines having ruffles, beading, sparkles or additional detail that drag attention to your bust line. Pick a gown with an appealing waist feature or hemline detail that makes one's eye to move away from the part you would like to de-emphasize. 4. Add accents with earrings instead of necklaces. Play up your face with fancy earrings or hair accessories rather than a necklace that draws in attention to your bust.

Cocktail dresses will always be the core gown in every woman's life. Whether it may be prom, wedding, graduation, birthday, art gallery opening or bachelorette occasion, cocktail gowns are continued to be worn. Almost all huge outlets store various cocktail dresses or cocktail gowns for people who may need it for special functions. However, the most used cocktail gowns remain to be silk, satin and chiffon. Each year, cocktail dresses evolve and grow to more contemporary fashion and styles.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Advice Before Getting Permanent Hair Extensions

It is commonly believed that hair extensions are only temporary. It is commonly assumed that even the best human clip hair extensions may only last one year…and that is only if you care for the clip in hair extensions in the best manner possible.While this is true of most procedures, procedures for permanent hair extensions are also available. For some, these permanent extensions may very well be the best option. And don’t be leery of the process. At one time, this was an experimental process but it has now been perfected. This means those interested in permanently altering the length and width of their hair clips extensions to their own preference can do so.

One thing that needs to be understood here is the process of adding micro ring hair extensions is a bit more elaborate than adding on standard hair extensions. This means talented professionals will be required to perform such a sophisticated process. So, you will definitely need to pick the right person to add the permanent hair extensions.

Here are some things to consider when weighing options which stylist to go to for adding the permanent extensions:

Experience. You will not want to consider someone that is totally new to performing this type of human hair extensions clips. It is quite specialized and only someone with experience can perform it.

Quality. Look at photos of former clients to determine the quality of the permanent hair extensions as this will give you the best indication of the work needed.

Cost. While you definitely want quality over low cost, you need not pay an enormous sum for high quality permanent extensions. Undertaking some basic cost comparison shopping will help you find the right professional that offers a fair fee.

Sure, you have to perform a bit of due diligence here but the effort will be worth it. The end result would be a completely new look gained from the quality of your new permanent hair extensions.

Monday, November 21, 2011

How to put hair extensions in your hair

Growing hair has never been quick. It usually takes months and a couple of years for you to achieve that ideal length. Thanks to the hair extensions because of which women these days do not have to worry about getting their hair cut short. Hair extensions are an easy and fast way of giving you the desired length of your hair within a very short period of time. Here are several ways of putting hair extensions in your hair:

1) Using Clip On:

This is one of the easiest and quickest methods of the application of hair extensions. These clip ons comprise of very small 'micro clips' which facilitate the attachment of extensions in your natural, beautiful tresses. In addition, you will also save a quite a few of those almighty dollars of yours by doing it yourself, since it is easy, instead of hitting the parlor for getting it done by your stylist.

2) Braid:

The next means of utilizing extensions is by braiding. There is no scene of clip ons here so you will have to incorporate another way of attaching this in your hair. Basically, this accessory, in this method, will have to be braided in your hair and there are a variety of different styles of braids that you can choose from. However, it is essential that you visit you your dresser this time and get this done professionally. Your stylist will also help you in selecting the style of braid which would suit and compliment your face cut.

3) Weave:

Weaving is one of most popular and utilized procedures of treating your natural locks with Black Hair Extensions. This method requires the hair on your scalp to form tracks. If you want to end up with a desirable result, then it is important that the creation of these tracks is 'as tightly against your scalp as possible'. These tracks are the spots where the hair extensions will be sewn or woven with your natural hair to give you those long beautiful locks that you have always longed for!

4) Using Fusion:

In this particular method, hot glue is used to attach hair extensions with your natural hair. For this reason, this method is usually known as 'highly labor intensive' and takes hours on ends to get completed. What happens is that hot glue is applied to the ends of the extensions and these are then stuck to our roots. Yes, this indeed does sound a little freaky and weird but that is what really happens and for that people, generally, have to break a bank as this is costly.

5) Using Bonding:

Like in fusion, bonding also makes use of glue for the attachment of human hair extensions. However, this is a simpler method and there are also tools designed to remove extensions which are put in our hair using fusion.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What Are the Best Kinds of Hair Extensions?

Hair extension articles should contain the information you want about hair extensions. The following information will contain as much relevant data on the best kinds of extensions for your hair as possible. This should help guide you to the right solution for your needs.

A quick little fact: blonde hair extensions were developed in the 80s, but due to the poor quality and high price, the whole concept was scrapped for a few years. The popularity of these hair pieces came back with much better quality and better ways for attaching them in recent years. Some of their popularity comes from the fact that celebrities use them. Another factor that makes them popular is the versatility of these extensions.

What exactly are hair extensions? They are hair made from real human hair or synthetic materials and are added to your existing hair. They can be used for thin or fine hair to give it more volume or for lengthening short hair for long, luxurious-looking tresses.

The preferred choices are Remy and Cuticle Remy extensions. Remy extensions are those made from all real human hair where the strands are kept close together in a weft and the roots all fall in the same direction from tip to end which reduces tangling.

Remy extensions are designed to last longer than other types of extensions which is one reason they are so popular. Another benefit of using human hair Remy extensions is that they are easily styled unlike synthetic hair pieces that can melt under certain temperatures. Since Remy extensions are of such high quality and long-lasting you can wear them for extended periods of time with the proper care and maintenance.

These cheap hair extensions uk come in a variety of hair colors from very light blond to very dark black. They also come in silky straight, curly, kinky wave, wavy, deep wave, French wave, bodywave and Yaki straight. Hair extension wefts also come in a few various lengths ranging from 10" to 22" depending on your needs. Remy and cuticle Remy extensions can be washed, blow dried and curled to suit whatever look you want to accomplish.

Hopefully, this hair extensions article has enlightened you about these hair pieces and will help you determine what kind of extensions you might want for your hair.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

How to Apply Hair Extensions for a Great Holiday Look

Beautiful long hair can be yours in less than 30 minutes when you apply a temporary bonding agent to hair extensions. Most beauty supply stores have various lengths and colors to match your real hair. Human hair extensions can be colored for a perfect match. Choose from curly, wavy or straight for the desired look. Do not buy the individual bulk hair. Use the extensions which come on a long sewn together length called wefts which can be cut into desired sizes.

You'll need one package of human hair extensions for most applications. For thicker looks, you'll need two packages of extensions. Choose a bonding agent to match the color of the hair. Dark seams need dark bonding agents, lighter colors need the light bonding agent. You'll also need scissors, a comb, hair dryer and hair clips.

Before adding the extensions, wash and dry hair thoroughly without using conditioner. Hair should be free of any kind of products such as gels, sprays, straighteners, etc. in order to insure the bonding agent adheres to the shaft of the strand.

1. Starting at the bottom of the head from ear to ear, part hair with a comb horizontally. Clip the upper hair away from the part to expose the area where you'll be adding the extension.

2. Take the clip in hair extensions length and measure from one side of the head to the other along the part. Cut the proper length to fit your head and lay flat on the counter to easily apply bonding agent to the seam. (Most people use about six lengths of extension which equals six parts in the hair from ear to ear adding six layers to the existing hair.)

3. Apply the bonding agent to the seam. Quickly lay the seam along the part, close to the scalp but not on the scalp and blow dry on low. The dryer will act as a more permanent bond and set fast instead of waiting for the bond to dry.

4. Next, lay existing hair over the bonded hair and make a part, approx. 1/4 inch above the previously applied hair extension.

5. Repeat from step 1 until all the extensions are applied.

Extensions can be easily applied by a friend or you can do it yourself. Since the bonding agent is waterproof, you can take showers, wash your hair and comb through it using a wide toothed comb or loop brush. Do not use heated styling irons on synthetic hair. Extensions from real hair can be curled as if it were your existing hair. Cut and style the hair as if it were your natural hair. Remove extensions with a bonding remover. Replace light brown hair extensions as needed. Most extensions will last up to one week without removing depending on how they were bonded into the hair.

Show Me the Rings Micro Ring Hair Extensions

Who knew there was so much to consider when searching for a salon to create your micro ring hair extensions? Well, the fact that you know you want micro rings over more temporary methods like clip-ins is an important decision. Don’t stop there! Not all micro rings, and certainly not all salons, are created equal - so be sure to do your homework!

Micro rings are an obvious choice for people wanting more clip in hair extensions. They are relatively easy to attach, require no heat or harsh chemicals that can damage hair, and they are virtually undetectable. What is an even more essential component of the micro ring is that you have a salon that offers proper blending of hair colours, textures, lengths, and grades of hair. Proper blending is paramount in creating the natural, hand-crafted look you desire.

How do you know a salon can provide a superior level of blending? You ask to see the goods! That’s right – ask to see their inventory of hair. Any salon worth their salt will gladly showcase their fine strand collection. Since high-quality extension hair is expensive, you will want a salon that has invested in a robust inventory of hair and who are completely agreeable about taking you through their stock. A salon’s willingness to open their inventory to you shows just how committed they are to you, and to the creative project that is crafting the ultimate mane of topnotch blended locks on your head!

One such salon that has no qualms about taking you through their extensive hair collection is Manchester’s Tatiana Hair Extensions. Their technicians will happily bring out boxes of ponytails so that you can mix and match from different ponytails in order to achieve the optimal colour and texture blend. Otherwise, if you choose one solid ponytail colour, your micro ring extensions may be more prone to stringy color separation that’s often associated with using pre-bonded hair extensions in a single colour.

Now that you’ve achieved a “perfect blend”, you can focus on whether you want Silicon Micro Rings over the old tried-and-true Copper Rings. Even the Micro Ringlets might be appropriate for creating those fringe extensions that weren’t even possible a few years ago. Tatiana Hair Extensions offers all of these techniques and improvements on them.

The Silicon Rings were just introduced last year in the United States, and are ideal for people with sensitive scalps, or for people whose hair easily breaks. Since the cushioned rings are lined with a layer of silicone, lost and uncomfortable hair extensions are a thing of the past.

Micro Ringlets were actually conceived by this Manchester salon, and are 24% and 30% smaller in diameter and length than the customary micro ring. These advanced micro rings are so lightweight that it now gives everyone - no matter how fine or short their hair - an opportunity to get in on the natural, beautifying fun of human hair extensions.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Can I curl synthetic hair extensions

As we all know,curling heat can be damaging. The truth is heat should not be supplied to synthetic Hair Extensions, since curling-iron and flat-iron styling can cause the synthetic hair to frizz or break. Synthetic hair extensions can also be burned by the heat, which can ruin the look of the extensions. Brushing and combing the extensions to maintain the texture of the hair is best for keeping the style intact. Curling the hair with rollers will work for some types of synthetic Hair Extensions. Howerver, heat should be professionally applied. If you want to curl your blonde hair extensions without getting new ones, have this done at a professional salon, since stylists are more likely to have the right tools to protect the hair extensions during the styling process. Curling synthet Hair Extensions with a flat iron or curling iron is not recommended, since it can damage the extensions. Heat should only be applied by a professional stylist if absolutely necessary.

As we all know,curling heat can be damaging. The truth is heat should not be supplied to synthetic Hair Extensions, since curling-iron and flat-iron styling can cause the synthetic hair to frizz or break. Synthetic hair extensions can also be burned by the heat, which can ruin the look of the extensions. Brushing and combing the extensions to maintain the texture of the hair is best for keeping the style intact. Curling the hair with rollers will work for some types of synthetic Hair Extensions. Howerver, heat should be professionally applied. If you want to curl your synthetic hair extensions without getting new ones, have this done at a professional salon, since stylists are more likely to have the right tools to protect the hair extensions during the styling process. Curling synthet Hair Extensions with a flat iron or curling iron is not recommended, since it can damage the extensions. Heat should only be applied by a professional stylist if absolutely necessary.

As we all know,curling heat can be damaging. The truth is heat should not be supplied to synthetic Hair Extensions, since curling-iron and flat-iron styling can cause the synthetic hair to frizz or break. clip in hair extensions can also be burned by the heat, which can ruin the look of the extensions. Brushing and combing the extensions to maintain the texture of the hair is best for keeping the style intact. Curling the hair with rollers will work for some types of synthetic Hair Extensions. Howerver, heat should be professionally applied. If you want to curl your synthetic hair extensions without getting new ones, have this done at a professional salon, since stylists are more likely to have the right tools to protect the weave hair extensions during the styling process. Curling synthet Hair Extensions with a flat iron or curling iron is not recommended, since it can damage the extensions. Heat should only be applied by a professional stylist if absolutely necessary.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Looking for a New Accessory?

Are you in need of a new accessory for your wardrobe? Featherhair extensions are an easy way to add a lot of style into your everyday outfits. Style is a huge part of who we are and we want to have the latest styles and trends. Feather hair extensions are hot right now. How hot are they? Feather hair extensions are so hot that fishing supply stores are running out of feathers, because everyone wants to put them in their hair. Learn how you can get feather hair extensions today when all of your friends can''t find them in the stores.

Feather hair extensions are the hottest trend right now. You may have noticed that all your friends are wearing feather hair extensions. Feather hair extensions are awesome because you can have you own look and your own style. There are so many different types of feather hair extensions. You can totally customize the length and the color of your feather hair extensions. Some of the different types of feather hair extensions are real feather hair extensions, synthetic feather hair extensions, or striped synthetic feather hair extensions.

With feather hair extensions, you can either clip them in or glue or crimp them in. It depends if you want your human hair extensions to be semi-permanent or temporary. There are different benefits to having both kinds. If you decide to crimp or glue your feather hair extensions into your hair, you can treat them like your normal hair. You can wash them, you can curl or straighten them, and you can even brush through them when you brush your hair.

There are lots of beautiful micro ring hair extensions to choose from. You can pick almost any color and size of feather hair extensions that you want. Since feather hair extensions are so popular, they demand and the price keeps on going up and time goes by. You need to get your feather hair extensions today, so you can get the feather hair extensions you want before they are all gone and before they are too expensive.

Feather hair extensions are worn by many famous celebrities. if you have tuned into to a fashion show lately, feathers are all the craze. Many models and designers are wearing feather hair extensions. Feather extensions are a great way to accent your already hip style. All of your friends will be asking where you got your feather hair extensions from and only you will know the secret.

Hurry and get your feather hair extensions today before it is too late. You will be the coolest girl in school with your feather hair extensions and you will be turning heads left and right. Feather hair extensions are the best way to revamp your style when you are in need of a style boost. Feather hair extensions are the perfect way to show people your spunk and to bring out the stylish side of you. Get your feather hair extensions today to see how they can make a difference in your style and your wardrobe.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Long Hair Look Using Hair Extensions

Why does everyone have great long hair? Wow your hair seems like it grew overnight. Most of the time human hair extensions are more costly than synthetic ones. Human hair extensions tend to be the preferred kind of hair extensions because they look and feel a lot more natural then the synthetic kind. Many people who visit the salons to get 16 hair extensions, most people choose to have the human hair extensions, by doing this it gives the extensions a more natural look compared to synthetic hair extensions. Synthetic hair, on the other hand, is colored and styled before application and cannot be changed. These hair extensions can be either synthetic or natural. Synthetic hair costs much less than human hair. Many of today’s methods have been adapted from African-American stylists that weave human or synthetic hair into corn rows for a long, flowing and natural look. First, hair for extensions can be either synthetic or real human hair. The hair that is used can be synthetic or human and varies in price and quality. Hair extensions involve the attachment of human or synthetic hair to your existing hair to create a more full or long look immediately.

A air extensions is just a hairpiece that is a attached to the natural hair or scalp; the extensions improve the length of the hair and thickness. The natural hair of Caucasians is different from that of Asians or Afro-Americans and you should choose an extension that will match your own hair. If you are not careful the wrong tension and additional stress at the scalp could result in soreness around the scalp and the possibility of your hair falling out. Many of today's methods are much faster and can cause less damage to the natural hair. Human hair is very heavy and the extra added weight to already damaged hair can cause the natural hair to fall out---even causing permanent hair loss. human hair extensions are suitable for people whose natural hair is shoulder length or longer. If you have a short haircut, but are dying for long locks, buy a wig that is similar in color to your natural hair. Hair extensions are in demand, everyone want to have longer hair, they don’t want to wait for their hair to grow longer because this is the now generation so everyone finds the fast and easy way to get longer hair, when adding the extension gives a more sophisticated look. With fusion hair extensions, the extensions should be indistinguishable from your natural hair. Hair extensions can be added to your own natural hair to add length, volume, and body. Using chemicals is a big problem with hair extensions. The chemicals can irritate your scalp.

With human hair extensions, wearers are not locked into a particular color or style. Stylist can match the texture and color of the 22 Human Hair Weft to your hair, stylist have many choices and varieties to choose from.. The simple solution is to get thicker hair is to add hair extensions and it can add little excitement to curly, thick or wavy hair in any color or style.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Are Hair Extensions Right For You?

When it comes to clip in hair extensions, we know that all of the celebrities are doing it, but is it right for you?

The truth is that more people than you know may be wearing hair extensions for the simple benefit of: Fullness, Thickness, Instant Volume, Impressive Length, Different Texture, Intricate Styling, and Natural Everyday Wear. So, as you can see, you definitely don't have to be a celebrity to rock this type of A-list style on a daily basis!

Medium Brown hair extensions are becoming more affordable and manageable than ever before, and many women that you know may be wearing them daily without you even realising it. They are a beautiful addition to your existing tresses, but the important thing to keep in mind is that you want them to look as natural and flawless as possible so that people will hardly be able to tell the difference in your daily styling.

Before you apply your hair extensions, let's talk about the products.

It is important to use a shampoo and conditioner that are suited to your type of hair. It is not necessary to use a special type of shampoo and conditioner for hair extensions. Your extensions will work beautifully with professional salon quality shampoo and conditioner products that are suited for your type of hair and any scalp hair concerns you may have. If you are already using a shampoo and conditioner that deposit to enrich your natural hair, you can continue to do so to achieve the best results for your hair while wearing hair extensions.

From the first day wearing your extensions, you MUST use a quality silicone spray serum regularly to maintain their silky and soft texture. Silicone Serum: Generally, a serum is made of silicone in the spray or liquid form. Spray-in serums offer a much more even application than a liquid serum so that the final style looks more natural overall. If the extensions have been damaged, even a silicone serum will have difficulty restoring their soft and sleek feel if the serum has not been used regularly.

Thermal Straightening Protectant Spray: This is an MUST for straightening and curling irons, which will protect the extensions from severe damage and breakage. A spray-in straightening protectant will also offer a much more even application of the product for daily styling.

Styling Brushes: A 'loop' wig or hair extension brush and a good bristle round brush are ideal styling tools, and they are available at most beauty stores. Perfect for clip-ins and Loop Micro Links and your natural hair.

If you are swimming it is great to wet the hair with tap water, spray the silicone spray serum and then to plait your hair. This helps to decrease the amount of salt water or chlorine effect on your hair. After swimming, remember to promptly shampoo, condition, and reapply silicone spray serum and allow your hair to dry.

The bottom line is that your stylist can recommend the right products for your hair type, but a professional silicone spray serum is a MUST and will work best for hair extensions without creating a greasy or sticky build-up.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Disadvantages of Hair Extensions

Lots of people rave about the benefits of hair extensions but you don't very often hear about the disadvantages. If you are thinking about having hair extensions, it is important that you know both sides of the story before going ahead so here are a few of the disadvantages to be aware of.

Firstly, hair extensions are not for everyone so you need to seriously think about whether they will fit in to your lifestyle or not. The biggest disadvantage of hair extensions is the potential damage that they can do to your natural hair and scalp. Of course all hair extension companies claim that their methods and products do not damage the hair and in most cases this is true. However, all it takes is an inexperienced or careless stylist during the application or removal process to cause serious damage. Some professionals even claim that any application of adhesive or glue type products will cause damage to the hair.

You need to know that hair extensions don't come cheap. If you decide to save money on the quality of the hair or the method used, you will eventually get what you pay for; your extensions will look cheap. However, at the same time spending a lot of money on high quality human hair will not always guarantee quality extensions even though it does tend to last longer. Extension hair does tens to matte and tangle after a few washes and the main problem is the quality of the hair.

You may think that hair extensions will make your life easier with regards to styling time, but this is not true. Most hair extension companies will advise you that you can treat your extensions just like your own hair and whilst this is true, you need to remember that long hair takes a lot more work! You will need to condition the ends on a regular basis to stop it drying out and you may need to use more hair products than you usually would. You need to consider that your new longer style will take longer to dry, longer to style and longer to brush or comb out the tangles. This is all part and parcel of living with long hair. If you were thinking you could just get up and go in the morning, think again! Longer hair requires extra work so you need to make sure you are prepared to maintain the hair if you are going to get extensions put in.

You need to be aware that your natural hair may fall out. This happens very rarely but if your hair is weak or damaged in any way then it may not be able to support the weight of the human hair. Your stylist should check this in your consultation and no good stylist should recommend extensions to someone with weak or damaged hair.

In some cases you may get neck strain or headaches. This is because you won't be used to the extra weight of the human hair. This is more common if you have opted for braided sewn-extensions as these cause extra tension to the scalp if the braids are done too tightly.

Be aware that your extensions may fall out. Some shedding is normal but if your extensions start falling out after a few weeks there are several things that could be causing this situation. If the residue on the natural hair is not removed prior to applying the extensions then the residue can weaken the attachment site and cause the extensions to fall out. It also may be that too many extension hairs were attached to the natural hair and the natural hair couldn't take the extra weight. Excessive loss of extensions may also be due to the type of products you are using on your hair. You need to ensure that you are using the recommended products. Each method of attachment, whether bonding, glue, wax or keratin based bonds, can be compromised by hair care products that break down the bonds.

Whilst hair extensions will open you up to a range of differentlight brown hair extensions, you need to be aware that certain hair extension methods may impose limitations on styling your hair. For example, if the bonds are applied too close to the hair line, then they may be very visible when pulling your hair back in a pony tail. Also, some extensions may look great when the hair is lying flat but if a gust of wind blows it the thinner hair underneath will be exposed.

There is a great danger that you can become addicted to hair extensions. If you have worn them for several months you may feel quite flat once you've had them removed and may even think that your natural hair has thinned. In actual fact you have just grown accustomed to seeing yourself with thicker hair, that is all. Prolonged use of hair extensions may cause damage to the scalp and natural hair.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How to Make Your Hair Extensions Last for a Long Time

hair extensions which are well known as a favorable method for prolonging hair length, adding volume and colorful elements turn out to gain great amount of favor among female celebrities. Owing to their special occupations, it is unavoidable that they need to pay more attention to improving personal image on various occasions through picking out stunning dresses, having delicate makeup and pulling off fantastic hairstyles modeling. It is universally known that frequent high temperature and continual application of chemical reagent commonly deal great damage to real human hair. Moreover, in virtue of the naturally geographic factors and climatic elements or medical treatment, a certain amount of person all over the world have long been disturbed by the puzzlement of hair loss or thin hair. Since girls throughout the world have an inherent interest for perfections and fascinations, you may take much time in taking periodically facial treatment and regularly hair care. Thus extensions for hair were born. Extensions made of diversified hair materials all can allow you to achieve expected hair length with voluminous strands within a few minutes according to professional instructions instead of waiting ages for natural hair to grow. Furthermore, based on the super excellent manual technology and well-chosen textures, common people also have access to gorgeous extensions which are absolutely affordable.

As for extensions made of luxury human hair, they can generally last for almost one year on account of the excellent materials and exquisite inner constructions. Since improper care may force your weave hair extensions to be a low maintenance alternative for long bouncy hair, you should take proper care of your extensions made from either synthetic fibers or natural human hair to ensure their longevity. Here are several essential tips for taking proper care of extensions.

1. Owing to the high-class hair materials and exquisite hair constructions, extensions which will utterly promise you of an unprecedented feeling of undetectable naturalness and softness can be easily applied if you seriously follow the professional instructions. As for clip in hair extensions, several clips can make extensions blend well with your real hair. Just apply and take off them gently according to professional instructions so that it can make sure that they are always in good conditions with favorable constructions and sleek shine.

2. It is common knowledge that both salt and dust call damage to hair cuticle. Thus you'd better wash them periodically to keep them in a favorable condition. As for human hair extensions, remove all the tangles and knots from hair with a wide-toothed comb before washing them since they feel more inclined to getting tangled just like real human hair compared with synthetic. Then you just need to dip them into a basin fill with 3/4 warm water and shampoo for nearly 10 minutes. Rinse them softly just like your real hair.

3. After washing them seriously, indispensible maintenance for extensions is also of identical importance. You should dry them as soon as possible since it may cause negative effect on the sleekness of hair to a great extent. Keep in mind that you can dry them with towel or you can ask for hair dryer for help if they are made of human hair. Appropriate application of professional hair conditioners on human hair extensions can allow your hair have a lovely gloss.

With the increasingly development of manual technology and exquisitely option process of materials, people can have an easy access to a great variety of cheap hair extensions, such as pre-tipped hair extensions, body or deep wave weave and clip in hair extensions made of 100% human hair. Moreover you should also take proper care of them so that you can enjoy diversified fashion hairstyles with a fabulous feeling of sleekness and lifelikeness.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Hair Extensions and Chemical Treating

Can chemical treatments be applied to hair extensions safely and without causing damage? The answer is yes depending on the type of hair extension used. Chemical treatments such as coloring, perming, and chemically straightening are only recommended for human hair that have not been treated with hydroxides or dyes previous to use. Consult the stylist who put in the extensions before attempting any chemical treatments.

When it comes to dying the hair it depends on the quality of the product and the amount of processing done to the extension prior to being woven into your natural hair. Dying synthetic products usually leaves the client with an unsatisfactory outcome, splotchy or an undesirable color and sometimes damage to the extensions. Extensions made from virgin hair, which is more expensive then synthetic, offer the best outcome when it comes to dying. In some cases the bonding agents used to attach clip in hair extensions react with chemicals in the dyes. Woven hair is at less at risk for chemical reactions.

Deposit only dye is recommended for dying the product while bleaching is never okay. Always have your stylist test a small strip of hair extension before attempting to dye a full head of extended hair. Unless the stylist is confident that he/she can dye or perm the extensions while they are attached to your hair, it is recommended they are removed before any chemical treatments take place.

Perming the product which is attached with the fusion technique is not recommended. Chemicals used in the perming process can react with adhesives used in the fusion technique. As with all hair application techniques, it is best to perm hair extensions that have been attached without the use of adhesives. A mild perm solution is ideal for use on human extensions.

Chemically straightening hair extensions is not recommended. Extensions made from human hair are easy to straighten using a blow dryer or flattening iron. Chemicals used to straighten hair can possibly damage the extensions and shorten their life span.

It is best to chemically treat the extensions before applying them or to choose an extension that suits your style in hair color and texture. There are many colors from blondes, browns, blacks, reds, and everything in between is available on today's market. A reputable hair stylist can match extensions to your natural hair color or help you choose a new color for a new look all together.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

How Hair Extensions Can Damage Your Hair

Hair extensions can either be made from real human hair or synthetic hair. They are attached with either glues or chemicals to your own hair and can do a lot of damage to your natural hair if not done properly or looked after. It is an expensive and lengthy process that can lead to many revisits to the salon and can leave your hair a matted mess. As a hair replacement it may not necessarily be the best solution.


It can actually cause a fair bit of pain as a result of having the extensions sewn in. This is due to the stylist pulling too tightly when attaching the extensions, and this pain will continue until your hair has grown out enough until there is a gap between your scalp and the extension, and it feels loose enough so the pain is relieved.


Using any type of chemical in your hair is going to cause damage to the strands, and the chemicals or glues used with 24 hair extensions are quite significant as they need to last a long period in your hair and cope with you washing it as well. The extensions also need to be removed using chemicals, which once again, is not kind to your hair or your body.

Spoil the look

Hair extensions can simply spoil the look of your natural hair. Using real human hair is a lot dearer than synthetic extensions, and as it is an expensive process anyway, most people would have to opt for the synthetic version. Synthetic hair is not going to look as good as the real thing, nor will it have the same texture. It is also hard to match the colour of your real hair to the extensions.

High maintenance

Looking after clip in hair extensionstakes a lot of work, and unless you are used to spending a lot of time in the morning doing your hair, it may become more of an annoyance than anything else. The extensions also become loose over time and means many revisits to the salon which will become costly. They are also hard to look after and easily become matted and tangled.


If you must have hair extensions then do a bit of research before hand. Find out which salon has a good reputation for doing a good job, even if it means going somewhere different to your normal salon or paying that bit extra. It will be worth it in the long run. Find out what is used to attach the extension and be happy with what chemicals they use to attach them and later remove them. You don't want to find out that something really harmful is being put on your scalp. Have a good look at the 24 Human Hair Weft and make sure they are a good match to your own hair colour. Also make sure you like the feel of them and check they won't mat too easily. Have your stylist explain how to care for your extensions and book you in for maintenance visits.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

How to Use Clip in Hair Extensions Properly

micro ring hair extensions are a great way to boost volume for your styles but if you want to avoid glues and bonds you can always use clip-in hair extensions. These are a hassle-free way to gain instant thickness and can be attached in minutes without going to the salon and spending a fortune. If you need a little help with attaching clip-in extensions, just follow these simple steps to enjoy a fuller style.

1. Firstly, make sure you have clean and dry hair, you don't want to grease up your clip in hair extensions because then you will need to wash them. Washing slip in extensions often, especially when they use human hair, makes them last less time.

2. With a comb or your index fingers, make a horizontal parting across your scalp just above your ears and secure the hair that's above the parting with a clip or elastic.

3. Practice opening and closing the clips by applying pressure on either side. Pick up the first hair weft to attach and make sure the clips are all in the open position.

4. Start with the middle clip when attaching the weft to your natural hair. Slip the comb of the clip onto your locks and snap firmly shut. Check if the clip is securely attached and continue with the clips on each side of the middle one.

5. Check with your hands or look into a mirror to see if the weft is lying flat along your scalp and isn't sliding off.

6. Release the top part of your hair that has been tied up and make another horizontal parting that is 1 inch above the attached weft. Once you've done that, pin up the rest of your hair to keep it out of the way.

7. Secure another weft in the same way as the first, and just remember to attach the middle clip first. Repeat the previous steps for attachment.

8. Continue creating horizontal partings and placing the wefts as you move up the back of your head until all the larger wefts are attached.

9. Place the smaller side wefts by making a horizontal parting above your ear and attaching the clips in the same way as you have been doing for the rest of your locks.

10. With a mirror, check that no clips are peeking out. If your hair is particularly fine, you might have to tease the hair before placing each weft.

Michelle is a professional stylist with 5 salons and part time writer for My Hair Styling Tools. My 22 Human Hair Weft Styling Tools supplies the best hair straightener and best hair shears at great prices and free shipping.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wholesale Hair And Start Your Own Hair Business

If you have seen the Chris Rock Movie "Good Hair" then you are familiar with the fact that the hair extensions uk business is a billion dollar industry. As more and more consumers go online for their everyday products there has never been a better time to buy wholesale hair and start your own hair business supplying micro ring hair extensions, wigs and hair accessories.

There is, however, some knowledge, business and marketing skills you are going to need in order to get your venture off the ground with flying colours:

2. A good dependable hair supplier
3. A website, blog and / or social networking platform

In addition, and most importantly: RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH so that you know your market and know exactly what they want in terms of lengths, colours and textures. Afterall, without a demand you will have no business.

If you have a desire to wholesale hair and start your own hair business, and profit from the 24 hair extensions business profitability zones then there has never been a better time as demand for hair weaves and hair extensions continue to grow and grow.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Wedding Day Hairstyle Using Hair Extensions

Many guests will look at the bride from her head downwards. They will begin assessing the glamor of her gown from the top and end at the feet. Since everyone will start looking from your head, you would do yourself a great favor if you paid a lot of attention to your hairstyle.

There are numerous reasons as to why you may decide to get hair extensions. One of these reasons is to achieve the hair style you have always dreamed of on your wedding day. Your wedding day is one of the most important of your life. It stands as a new beginning, the creation of a new life and new family so needless to say you want everything to go perfect and this is the one day of your life where there is no room for a bad human hair day! Luckily with the help of hair extensions this is something that you don''t have to worry about. So why exactly should you opt for hair extensions on one of the biggest days of your life?

Many people hold the misconception that weave hair extensions should only be used as a way of adding length to your hair when in reality they can be used for so much more such as increasing the volume of your hair, adding slices of colour or to help define texture and layers. When it comes to having them applied for your wedding day, it will allow you to achieve and create whatever look and style you are after. If you want to wear your hair down then extensions make your hair longer so you can have curls placed in or basically just styled in anyway that you wish to. If you want to wear your hair up then cheap hair extensions will give you fullness to be able to hold the style in better.

Do not settle for something trendy unless you have tried it and realized that it fits you. Each dress has its matching hairstyle and each body or face goes with particular hair do. So in sum, be fashionable but elegant and personal.

When you are choosing your wedding day hairstyle there are certain aspects that should be kept in mind such as your dress. Believe it or not the shape and style of your dress can, well should, severely influence the decision that you make when it comes to your hairstyle. For example the shape of the neckline is key when deciding; if your dress is strapless then you are free to choose whatever style you want as your hair won''t be an issue with things like obscuring the detail of the dress. If however your wedding dress covers a lot of the neck area then wearing your hair up is the best option, otherwise you are in danger of having too much detail and too much going on around the neck area.

The main things that you need to do when it comes to your wedding day hairstyle is to think and plan to make sure that the finished style gets it just right. So book your consultation appointment with your stylist today and start your planning!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Human Hair Extensions - Caring for Your Perfect Locks

There are many different styles and types of hair extensions available in the market these days, which is why you need to understand a bit about them so that you not only save money but also time. However, cheap human hair extensions are the best type of hair extensions, preferred by the majority, as they''re easier to care and give good results. Indian Human hair extensions can help you achieve that dream of having long perfect locks hair and setting up new hairstyles without waiting for your own hair to grow. If you''re looking for hair extensions for prom hairstyles or wedding hairstyles, you''ll need to remember a few things before you proceed in your quest for perfectlocks.

First of all, how hair extensions are applied is extremely important. There''s a track made by your hair by creating a similar braid. Then in the next step, the hair extensions are sewed to the track. This particular track (also called a cornrow) by many hair stylists goes around the back of your head horizontally. For most of the wedding and prom hairstyles, your crown area will be covering your top track. The number of tracks you''ll need for the hairstyle will depend on how many wefts you go for. Apart from that, the quantity of hair you need to get the wedding/prom hairstyle will ultimately determine the number of tracks you''ll need. Once the hair stylist is done with the tracks, the human hair extensions will be sewn with the tracks. This leads to the hair blending with your own perfect locks, natural hair. Thus, hair extensions get to be treated as your own hair.

Caring for your micro ring hair extensions is no different than caring for your own hair. In fact, they should be treated exactly like your own normal hair. However, the fact that you couldn''t grow long, healthy hair in the first place shows that proper care wasn''t given to your hair to initiate new growth. By caring for your hair extensions, you can always be confident about the long hair styles you can choose from and get that glamorous look that you''ve always wanted.

It''s important to keep in mind that you should never ignore washing, conditioning along with moisturizing your human hair extensions every 2-3 days. Since your hair extensions won''t be getting the natural scalp oils, moisturizing has to be added to your routine. By not regularly moisturizing your human hair extensions, they slowly turn brittle, which causes them to break off easily. In the end this leaves you with unruly, split ends? this is not the look you want if you have perfect locks in mind!

Don''t forget that hair extensions need extra care, as they will not grow back. So don''t go berserk with the blow dryer or curling iron on them as this can cause damage and burn your beautifully crafted hair extensions. A visit to your hairstylist every few weeks is necessary for maintaining that perfectlocks look, which includes removing the wefts and checking the extensions for any kind of external build up from the shampoos or any other hair products that you''ve been using.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Why Everybody Needs Clip on Hair Extensions

How many different styles do you have for your hair? Do you like to put your hair in ways that only people can do when they have long hair? If you like to style your hair differently than that would be a good reason to have some hair extensions and there is no better ones to have than clip on hair extensions. What most people don''t realize is that they can put on the Hair Extensions themselves because clip on hair extensions are a lot easier to use.

One of the reasons why everybody needs clip on hair extensions is because using sew in hair extensions will mean that you need to get somebody to put them on and that means that getting ready now gets extended by 2 hours. If you have ever used Black Hair Extensions then you know that sew in hair extensions are a lot harder to put on and the reason being that they need to be sewn into a track instead of just clipped onto your free flowing hair.

Another reason you need clip on hair extensions is because they are a lot easier to clean and maintain. One of the problems that a lot of people have is they don''t clean their hair extensions enough and when you don''t clean them as much as they should be cleaned they will get really dirty and they will start to stink. If you are trying to look your best then it is pretty much useless if your hair smells all the time. Trust me, there is nothing worse than having great looking hair that simply stinks.

If you are going to get hair extensions then I highly recommend getting clip on hair extensions because of how much better they are than sew in hair extensions. Don''t be like a lot of people and think that you need both either, sometimes clip in hair extensions will be enough and maybe it would be best to get 2 pairs of clip on hair extensions instead. If you are concerned about the cost of hair extensions then don''t be, you can easily find them online and get a great deal on the many that are there. What most people don''t realize is that when you buy something online you will get a lower price even though you will have to pay a little bit for the shipping and handling.

Kristy is a work at home mom of 2 and a writer. Hair Products Pro offers the Best Hair Extensions and 22 Human Hair Weft from top name brands.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Best Hair Extensions for Fine Hair

Fine hair can be a challenge to style, especially if you want plenty body and volume. But don't fear! There are many solutions to this problem and a lot of them are quick and affordable. Take clip in extensions for example, out of all the types of hair extensions these are the easiest to use and the healthiest for your hair. Why? Because they don't require special bonds or glues to have them attached, all you need to do is press down on a few clips and you're done. When you have fine hair, finding a healthy alternative to creating volume is great because you can't afford to have hair damage of any sort!

With other types of hair extensions, such as weaves, you need professional help and special solutions to attach the 20 Human Hair Weft to your scalp. With fine hair this isn't recommendable since the strands are more delicate than most hair types and can suffer from the chemicals or irritation. This is why clip in extensions are the best for fine hair, they only need to be fastened to your natural hair to create the full look you want. Getting high quality results is important to have natural looking styles, but to do so requires more of an investment.

With clip in extensions, there are varying categories to define the quality of hair used in them, if the extensions are natural. With synthetic clip ins you will get artificial fibers that are cheaper but more limiting when it comes to styling them. Natural clip in extensions made with 100 percent human hair offer better results depending on the category of hair. With the highest category, grade A, the human hair is the same length with the cuticles aligned by hand, and often the extensions made with this type of hair are thicker and more durable. With B and C grades the quality and price is lower.

One brand of great clip in hair extensions that is ideal for fine hair is Easy Clips, which uses 100 percent grade A human hair to create optimum volume and length, arriving in a variety of shades to suit your natural locks.

Determining your personal styling needs is essential before any purchase of Honey Blonde Hair Extensions. Do you need fast and temporary results? Do you want a more permanent solution? Do you require instant length and volume? Once you've sorted out these questions it will be easy for you to pick the extensions to suit your hair type.

Kristy is a professional stylist with 5 salons and full time writer for Safrons. Safrons offers the Best Curling Irons, the Best Hair Dryers and the best selling Best Hair Extensions by Karmin. Free Shipping on orders over $75 and same day shipping.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Hair Extension Gives You the Dream Hair

In today's beauty industry, hair extensions are the hottest items around the world. The growing popularity becomes so much famous in both the developed and the developing countries. New businesses offer several new methods which make hair extensions are opened constantly and successful introduced to the industry. Besides that, cheap human hair extensions is also available in so many different techniques, and we think you can choose a method that is right for you.

There are many different types of hair extensions, as we know; hair extension has so many different ways and different kinds of technique can be used to attach it to your own hair. In order to protect your hair and skin, you should ask your stylist what kind of glue and technique are safer than others. Extensions connected to your hair will get more lose as your hair grows. So you need to take care of your extensions.

The extension technique is to attached the small strands of extension hair one by one, and then use metal tubes or waxes and polymers to weaving in, gluing, heat fusing, clamping the hair extensions to small sections of your own hair. There are some introductions about the different kinds of hair extensions in the fashion world. The one kind of extension is the glue based attachment, and Vision hair extensions, West Coast Hair, Celebrity Extensions, Hair dreams hair extensions all belong to the glue based attachment. These kinds of hair extensions use the glue to attach the hair.

Although some glue can be harmful for your hair or skin, the glue based attachment can be very popular around the fashion world. The other kind of extension is the non glue based attachments, the Micro-cylinder hair extensions, Micro-Chet hair extensions; Pro-Hair Extensions all belong to the non glue based attachment. This gentle method attaches the synthetic hair extensions without the use glues or chemicals, and the extension fiber is wrapped around the braid, which has the least harm to our own hair. There are still some other kinds of hair extension such as the weft hair extension and the clip-in hair extension. You can ask your stylist about the right method you want to have before having your hair extension done.

In one word, hair extension become the fashion in today's world, besides that, some hair extensions it is possible to reuse the hair what can save you some money, from the introduction of the different kinds of hair extension, you would find the right one for yourself in the end.

In one word, human hair extensions become the fashion in today's world, besides that, some hair extensions it is possible to reuse the hair what can save you some money, from the introduction of the different kinds of 20 Human Hair Weft, you would find the right one for yourself in the end.

Hair Loss and Its Solution

There are many things that one notice in others during a one-on-one interaction, especially when it is a first meeting. Hair is one amongst the prominent features that capture the eye ? both when the hair is lustrous and thick and when the hair is thin and scanty. While people belonging to the former category can take pride on the flawless health of their hair the latter get further stressed on this unsightly condition. Hair loss persists amongst a major chunk of the human population in the recent times due to immense stress levels, bad nutrition, hormonal dysfunctions, genetics and heredity, lack of natural substances used on the hair instead a lot of hair styling products being used with harsh chemicals, medications and various other factors.

Men and women are both victims to this horrible condition of losing large amounts of hair and while men suffer from conditions like Chronic diffuse alopecia, Acute diffuse alopecia, Androgenetic alopecia high levels of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), women suffer from hair loss during hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, by use of birth control, hypothyroidism, Anagen effluvium, Traction alopecia. Apart from these medical conditions to make the scenario worse you have your lifestyle to blame upon for the hair loss.

When you log on to the internet and type in the keyword ''hair loss treatments'', you would be bombarded with a huge number of websites claiming to sell hair loss drugs that are 100% effective and have no side effects, hair oils that are known to bring out luscious thick hair in months time, hair weaving treatments or many other surgical procedures. While surgical procedures can be a tough decision to make taking into consideration your finances and also the side effects and discomfort caused even after the surgery. Overtly unrealistic claims on effective hair oils and hair loss drugs if were truly effective, there wouldn''t be a constantly rising population of people suffering from ugly hair loss.

There isn''t a miracle drug that has still be found to re-grow all the hair on your scalp, and even if there is they are known to cause many unwanted after effects. The only best possible solution is to hide the hair loss with best quality hair wigs and hair extensions. Wigs are available in different styles and colors and are a great way to sport different styles when you are out on a special occasion. And if thinning hair is your concern, hair extensions allow giving your hair the desired length and volume. Hair extensions give a lot of room to a plethora of different and trendy hairdos. Most celebrities these days wear wigs and human hair extensions that look so real that it goes smartly unnoticed. So go ahead and find the best hair wig and hair extension dealer in town and get yourselves an instant solution to concealing your hair with these incredible hair additions. In the meanwhile, you could improve your nutritional habits and take vitamin supplements that would boost your follicles to produce new hair.

The author of this article has expertise in beauty. The articles on wigs reveals the author''s knowledge on the same. The author has written many articles on 20 micro loop ring as well.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Hair Extensions

Hair Extensions

If you are having trouble growing your hair or if your hair has become thin and generally causing you distress then have you thought about the option of having hair extensions applied? Hair extensions have made reappearance on the beauty world there has been an on going debate in which Honey Blonde Hair Extensions go up against synthetic hair extensions. There are many for and against reasons as to which are the best form of hair extensions but the real question is which ones are best for you

In recent years the trend that is hair extensions has crossed over from merely being just a celebrity trend. In the year that we live in today anyone who wants to have hair extensions applied can walk into pretty much any salon and have hair extensions placed in. The reasons as to why people have hair extensions placed in varies from person to person but the main reason for them still remains as being a way of adding extra length. Other reasons for having hair extensions applied are to add extra volume to your hair or as a way of adding extra color to your hair. The options open to you with hair extensions are bigger than they have ever been before and it comes as no surprise that more and more of us are now choosing to have hair extensions placed in.

Great Lengths hair extensions

Application: Attached to the natural hair with a patented keratin bond that the brand claims mimics your hair's molecular structure.

Removal: In salon-only. They're dissolved with a removal solution that promises not to damage your hair's natural cuticle.

Made from:It's 100 percent natural hair and are also available in 40 natural shades and 14 fashion colors.

Care factor: Be as cautious with blasting heat as you would with your natural hair. A Great Lengths soft-bristle brush is recommended to avoid tangling.

Cuts and colors: You can safely color them with a semi-permanent or chemical-free highlights or lowlights.

Lasts:Two to three months and up to six if you use the Great Lengths home-care shampoos and conditioners.

You'll love them because: The cuticles are aligned in the same direction as your real hair so they're harder to detect (Paris Hilton, take note).

Method of application that you use to have your cheap hair extensions uk applied you should always have them applied by a specialist at a salon. Hair extensions are actually very easy to look after, although you very likely will notice that it will take a little bit longer to dry and style your hair because you will have more of it! You can treat hair extensions pretty much like you would your own hair.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bond Hair Extension

Hair extension is simply an additional length to the original hair. This is done by special connecting points between the original hair and the artificial hair called the "bonding". Many people are afraid by the terrible stories that micro ring hair extensions may lead to bald head. There is no need of any fear in this hair extension treatment, at the time of treatment our own original hair grows healthier and longer without any damage. Choose a good hair stylist before you go for the treatment. It may take time to find a good hair stylist, but patiently search for the best and undergo the treatment, for better result. Hair extension is really a gift for girls and ladies with short hair. Hair extension is done either with original human hair or hair made of synthetic fiber.

Before undergoing hair extension make sure that your hair is shampooed. Hair extension is preferable with human hair, since synthetic hair may melt when exposed to high temperature. Clip In Hair Extensions is advised to be done by an expert extensionist, since it takes the process of cutting, replacement and many other factors of our own hair.

Tips to find good hair extensionist:

- Ask them to show certificate of the course they completed.

- Ask the license for the job.

This may help you to find the good hair extensionist.

Hair extensions are now available in many different techniques which may confuse us to choose the best.

Points to care hair extensions:

- Use shampoos directed by the hair stylist.
- Dry the hair as you dry your own hair.
- Comb hair from bottom towards up when it coils.
- Do not apply heat to the tips.
- Use an extension brush.
- Regular maintenance for every two weeks.

At the time of removal go to a stylist and remove. If it is synthetic hair the area of bonds will be slowly heated up to remove them. If it is natural human hair a special solvent is used to remove the bonds. The life span of a hair extension is four months. The special glues will loosen as the time expires, so they have to be removed to protect our own original hair. Be sure the extension you''re making is worth the money you spend. With the introduction of clip-in hair extension it has become easy to have cheap hair extensions uk for both celebrities and non celebrities.

Instead of spending time in growing our own hair, we can go for hair extension. Use them as directed by a hair dresser and get a high trendy look.

The author of this article has expertise in beauty. The articles on wigs reveals the author''s knowledge on the same. The author has written many articles on Hair Extensions as well.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hair Extensions- Clip In Human Hair Extensions

If you have always wanted thicker or long hair then you may want to consider using hair extensions to get the hair that you were not given naturally. Unfortunately, not everyone is born with the type of hair that they want, and in reality, even celebrities are not even though it may look as if they were. The only reason that their hair always looks so perfect is due to the fact that they have clip in human hair extensions that make their hair look much fuller and allows it to sit correctly.

You can get the same look if you know how, because in reality now hair extensions have become a lot more affordable and can even be put in your hair from home if you know how. With the right types of clips or hair glue and of course some human hair extensions that match the color of y our hair or compliment it then you can easily thicken your hair by adding in choice strands that will really change the way your hair looks overall.

When choosing cheap hair extensions uk you will want to take into account the natural texture and color of your hair in order to make sure that you get the best match for you.

Many people only consider the color that they want ignoring the actual look of the hair, but texture is very important because you want to make sure that the blonde hair extensions look natural and in order to do this they have to match your hair texture whether that is thick, thin, or slightly wavy so that they do not stand out and look out of place on your head.

At the same time, you want to consider the fact that it is also important to think about the length of your hair extensions in order to get the right look. Depending on whether you simply want to add a longer bottom length or whether you want to add in some bangs you may need different lengths of hair extensions. In some cases you may choose to cut the hair extensions on your own, but in the same way that you would not want to cut your own hair, you need to be careful doing this or you will end up with odd shaped hair that does not fall correctly.

The good news is that when it comes to choosing hair extensions if you head online you will be able to find a large variety of clip in human hair extensions making it possible to find the perfect match for your hair regardless of the details that you are looking for. There are plenty of different options that can be easily ordered from online sellers so that you can get the match you want without paying a great deal of money for the look. By taking your time and browsing around you should have no problem finding Grade A human hair extensions.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hair extensions: Is that your hair?

Let's face it, stupid doesn't look good on anyone. So in an effort to help some people, let's talk about hair etiquette 101. Ladies and gentlemen take out your pens and notepads, class begins now.

Here's the scenario: you work in a diversed corporate setting. You see co-workers and executives day in and day out. You see their style, and have even noticed some 'hits' and some unfortunate 'misses'. On this particular day you have a meeting with co-workers and executives alike. One of your co-workers happens to be an African-American woman. You recall that she normally wears her hair short and curly. However, today, something is different. You take notice, as with everyone in the room, that suddenly her hair is long and straight. Believe it or not, this woman knows that inquiring minds are curious. However, why should she have to explain her mysterious transformation? You can not take it anymore, the curiosity is killing you, so you ask the inevitable; 'Is that your hair?'

Ok, ladies and gentleman, as you guessed it, wrong question, especially in the middle of a corporate meeting. It's about to get real unpleasant in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.....

So you as the African-American are now put on blast, although everyone took notice to the 'elephant' in the room. Yet, good ole Sally, your Caucasian co-worker, just had to dress in stupid this morning. For the Sally's of the world this lesson plan, is just for you.

As mentioned earlier, stupid is not a good look. And a woman of your caliber, Sally, (speaking more of your educational background and paygrade, certainly not your common sense) simply ought to know better. In 2011, there is no excuse whatsoever for anyone to be shocked by women and human hair extensions. Truth be told, African-American women did not invent this look. If you would take a moment to review a bit of history, it would come to no surprise wigs and extensions were worn well before African-American women staked claim to it.

It is true that African-American woman have mastered the extension/wig game, that it proves difficult at times to decifer whether her hair is naturally long or she has added extensions. This thought is a compliment, however, your question, not so much. There is a time and place for everything. It is a known fact that many Caucasian women experiment with Honey Blonde Hair Extensions as well. It is also a known fact that many women also experiment with enhancements in other areas of the body. Butt pads, breast enlargements, anyone? However, you don't see those things being pointed out in the middle of a corporate meeting. Just imagine this question: 'Sally, your butt looks larger than norm today, are your butt cheeks real or are those butt pads under your pencil skirt.?" Or better: 'Sally, wow, you have gone from an A cup to a DD overnight, are those real, or a new boob job."

Exactly, how inappropriate! So you see now, its not the question being asked, its where its being asked. Remember, time and place for everything. This could certainly be a 'let's go and powder our nose', 'refresh our lipstick', or 'girls to the bathroom', kind of discussion. So for the Sally's of the world, please no more questions, and while you are at it, dispose of your 'stupid' outfit. All women like to experiment with different styles, colors, or let's keep it between just us girls, ok pumpkin. Some things are better left unsaid. Ladies, it should be our responsibility to keep the secret to beauty just that, our secret. Class dismissed.

Monday, October 17, 2011

What's the deal with Jet Black Hair Extensions

This hot trend for summer 2011 has me somewhat baffled. Although I must admit I am a product of the 1980’s fashion craze, which included fingerless lace gloves, big hair and of course clip in feathers. I feel like I have already been there, done that. However, this is a trend that looks like it may stick around for a while. So I was curious enough to start googling around to see what the buzz is all about.

This trend kicked off somewhere between LA, California and Boulder, Colorado, according to my sources. And it really took off when Steven Tyler, from AeroSmith and a judge on the ever popular reality show “American Idol” kept showing up with them in his hair.

The most popular feathers seem to be the real ones that come from roosters. Many of these types of feathers are being supplied by an unlikely source for fashion: Fishing bait shops. Long rooster feathers used by fly fishermen to bait salmon or trout are ideal for weaving into hair. The problem is that salons are scarfing them up and leaving nothing left for the fisherman. This is also creating a shortage of Rooster Feathers. Making the feathers grossly over priced and sometimes endangering our foul-feathered friends.

During my research into the feather craze I came across a website that sells artificial clip in feathers at a very reasonable price. 3 for $15.00, excludes tax, shipping and handling. My favorite part is that you can take them in and out. While most companies claim you can shampoo, blow dry and style the feathers, I am not totally sold on it. Even real feathers have a shelf life and they are pretty fragile. So for me I prefer the removable kind and they will last longer too! If you are interested check out the website:

I would love to hear from you if you have tried any of the Jet Black Hair Extensions.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Get Long And Beautiful Tresses By Selecting The Perfect Hair Extension

Have you been longing to have long hair but your hair seems to be taking quite some time to grow? Well, the best alternative to have the long locks you want is by getting human hair extensions. What is good about having these extensions is that you may be able to have different hairstyles instantly and whenever you want. There are actually various types of hair extensions such as pre bonded hair extensions, clip in hair extensions, weave hair extensions among others. The types of extensions can also give you an idea of how they are attached to the hair. A pre bonded hair extension, for instance, requires a connector iron and glue to attach it to the natural hair.

One of the advantages of hair extensions is that you could vary ]your hair style anytime. Also, if you’re the type of girl whose tresses are not easy to control when it’s long, extensions for your hair including pre bonded hair extensions will be able to fix this difficulty to suit your needs. Most of these hair extensions are actually sensible since they will last for quite some time and you can get the option to select the style and color that you want.

The problem with having hair extensions is that it is time consuming to attach. If you have a lot of extensions attached to your hair, it may cause some problems to your scalp and head since this area may get irritated or strained which is the reason why you need to look for a specialist to attach a pre bonded hair extension, for example, to your hair.

Hence, if you have decided to get hair extensions like pre bonded hair extensions, you need to choose a top quality extension which is made of authentic human hair. Extensions for the hair which aren’t high quality are usually brittle as well as very thin so this quickly splits and then gets ruined.

The next thing that you have to find is the color and type of attachment method that you prefer. Opt for a hair color that will fit or resembles your natural tresses and choose the method which is simple to do just like the method employed in a pre bonded hair extension.

When getting a Human Hair Weft, select an attachment method that is easy and simple like pre bonded hair extensions. You can be assured that the extension will last for several months on your own hair when you use a pre bonded hair extension.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Knowledge About Hair Extensions

Hair extensions form a part of the current fashion accessories among women all over the world and enhance their beauty. These are a natural and safe way to add hair to your own.Hair extensions are purchased at salons that provide with extension services. These cheap hair extensions uk come in various shapes and colors and can be custom fit from one person to the other.They have in fact become a craze among women in the United Kingdom,who would like to change the style of their hair with their desired one.These hair extensions are available in different dissimilar colors, styles, lengths and textures and form a great option at proms, weddings, parties or at any other special occasions.They have become a common accessory among celebrities who would like to make a fashion statement and are becoming a hit among the common people. With the hair extensions getting a glamorous look is now a reality.

Hair extensions come in various sizes and techniques. They are made from synthetic hair, human hair,or may be a combination of the two and are used by women having short or medium hair to provide different looks or longer locks.With adequate training, they are easier to apply,however, it is best recommended for specialists to help them fit these for you to provide the best results. There are three types of methods, Micro Linking, Mega Tips and Braid Weaves. However, they are not artificial extensions or wigs and usually are made out of human hair. Hair extensions are actually strands of synthetic or real hair that are set closer to the scalp and by using the different systems of fixation.

Apart from increasing the hair, they also add dimension and color to the hair without actually changing the hair color. They can be straightened or curled and give you a gorgeous look that will become the center of attraction. Hair extensions will give you a hair style that will not only increase your glamour,but also your overall personality. Wearing it also improves your confidence and your friend circle. By taking proper care of the hair extensions, you can get the most out of it. Though this can be done all by yourself, getting it done by an extension professional will give you the best result and a beautiful head of hair can be achieved that will be cherished for a long time.

Willow Hair is one of the most established hair salons in North London specialising in Great Lengths hair extensions, cutting colour and highlights using L’Oreal Professional products. For more details on Great Lengths hair and Great Lengths 18 Human Hair Weft than please visit our website.